by lauren haze

Xalted Body
Lauren Haze
Xalted Body is a unique, multi dimensional, and specialized way to relax, rejuvenate, strengthen, and align your body. Lauren Haze uses a plethora of different techniques to give your body what it needs. Relief of aches and pains, core stability, emotional healing, muscular training, and energetic healing are among the many outcomes of Lauren's services.
Lauren's overall focus is to help you form a deeper connection with your body. By teaching you to replace unsupportive physical habits with beneficial posture and movement your energy will radiate to feel kick ass fabulous!
I'm Lauren. I believe...
...that everyone has the potential to live a richer, stronger and more confident life by connecting with their body. Previously a professional dancer with the Alvin Ailey Repertory Ensemble, I have continued my passion for movement and energy flow as a healthcare practitioner.
My unique combination of training as a Certified Pilates Instructor, CranioSacral Therapist, Energy Balancing Bodyworker, & Natural Healing Technique practitioner, has been proven to help you feel lighter and in tune with yourself. I invite you to learn more about the services I offer. My intention is for you to feel better in your body on the planet!

Lauren Haze is an amazing individual and healer. I have had several craniosacral treatments from her, and have benefited from reduced tension and pain, in addition to increased energy. She has very deep, intuitive knowledge, and is somehow magically able to tune into the source of the problem, almost before you even tell her. Wish all my doctors could be like her!
Being a full-time graduate student in an accelerated master's program while managing a demanding engineering management career became as stressful as it sounds. It took an incredible toll on my physical body. After beginning a weekly Pilates regimen with Lauren, however, I noticed a tremendous difference in my energy level, migraines are a thing of the past and my body is leaning out and being sculpted at a very nice pace. She has an amazing teaching technique that promotes physical, mental and overall lifestyle balance. My everyday life has been impacted majorly as a result of my participation in her program!
Competent, caring, knowledgable....all these attributes describe Lauren and her professional acumen. Her nurturing and skillful attention to each person's individual issues helps one to heal and recover. A well informed and very kind professional...
Speech Therapist
What I’d like to say about Lauren is that she is a healer in her soul. Profound in ways that need no words, her touch expresses compassion and through that link her hands bring a magic to one’s body that is an exceptional experience. I know Lauren as both a dance teacher and a healer and in both environments her light shines bright with joy.
Writer & Director
Lauren's patience and kindness with me and my body feels so nourishing. Because trusting her is so easy, I feel I am really able to address complex aspects of my healing that I have had difficulty getting at in previous kinds of work.
Lauren transformed my entire body. I came to her insecure and overweight and she not only taught me how to gradually and successfully lose weight and get super toned, she altered my way of thinking about my body. Every session I felt like I was getting a mind makeover as well as a body makeover. I felt freer I felt more responsible and I finally had ownership over my weight. She is an indispensable part of my healing and I'm lucky to call her a good friend. She will change your life!
Xalted Body is awesome! Lauren did some energy work on me that really cleared some stuff up for me emotionally. I was having some blocks in my love life, i.e. issues with men. The men I kept meeting were emotionally unavailable. But a couple of months after working with Lauren, I met an emotionally healthy, loving man! I attribute this to the energy work she did on me. She is so intuitive and sensitive to what your needs are for personal growth. She truly is a healer!